Internet Chess Club

Monday, March 10, 2014

Houston (6)

Thursday, 19 June 2003. Approaching the stage now when I must begin taking copious notes of my researches, where ideas must be integrated and facts organized into a usable format or system, I find it necessary to purchase these additional items in order to preserve my findings for later recall: (1) a tape recorder to record the few nuggets of profundity I utter during my episodes of drunken speech making; (2) a digital camera to record in visual form the sights I encounter during my travels and to preserve the fleeting images of my locations and the steps I take in this upcoming boatbuilding project; (3) a programmable calculator – since a computer at this point isn’t likely to help me to improve my thinking or logical evaluations – to handle all the complex calculations I can now do by hand to plot courses and speed the modifications I am going to make during the boatbuilding process.


A computer at a future time will work for me in much the same way as a programmable calculator once I prove to myself that I’ve learned to write properly and will have something profound, interesting and important to say: “I believe that a computer chess program will do much to erase many long hours of boredom in solitude.”


Before the week is out I expect I will have completed my inspectional reading of Tools and Their Uses: “I will know what basic hand and power tools are necessary to fit out my workshop toolboxes, so I feel that I should now go about creating a list of the most useful items I’m going to need to complete my boatbuilding workshop. ‘Means of production’ items like  sawhorses, vises, c-clamps, workbench, handsaws, a power drill, circular saw and power sander are the basic tools and machines required to build Glen-L 7.9.


“Oh, Rocky!” ejaculated Dr. Frank N. Furter.

“That’s Glen-L 7.9 to you, draft dodger. And I don’t work for less than $125.00 a day. Take it or leave it!”

*The good doctor stepped up to the potent workhorse of his dreams and finally said after much premedication, “Let’s discuss your salary over a savory Villahermosa hotdog.”


But Dr. Frank N. Furter later fired Rocky and hired his mother, Vera Essie, who, having a much more robust attitude, would work for no less than $150.00 a day.

*Whenever I think of 10-horsepower auxiliary outboard dildos, I remember my Nicaraguan lover Elba and our naughty liaisons  a la “Rocky Horror Picture Show.”

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