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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Book Review: FEAR FIGHTERS by Jentezen Franklin

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” –2 Timothy 1:7


There was a very cautious man who never laughed or played; he never risked, he never tried, he never sang or prayed. And when he one day passed away his insurance was denied; for since he never really lived, they claimed he never died ! –Page 4.

“Brenda Jean, I'll finish reading the book you sent me, FEAR FIGHTERS, over the weekend. So far, I've been able to glean a few choice nuggets of Wisdom here and there.”

Why my big sister, Brenda Jean Binns, would send me this Christian self-help book of hackneyed religious platitudes and glorified affirmations for a belated Christmas present when she knows damned well I'm an Atheist who hates Holy-Days is beyond me !

Sin embargo,

“And I especially like what Pastor Jentezen Franklin has to say about ATTACKS :  ‘Expected attacks come from lions in our midst. Unexpected attacks come from those sly Black Adders with ledger books hidden beneath the rocks. Unfounded attacks are those you'd expect from monsters, dragons, Uncle Buggy, and other assorted demonic boogeymen concealed in dark, scary places.’”

Amen !

  • Facing Off With Your Fears :  “Jesus is with me, and He has all power ! God is not just the God of the top; He is also God of the bottom ! I have faith for this…”
  • Much Ado About Nothing :  “Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due. God responds to courage that is demonstrated in the midst of fear.”
  • Your Refuge From Fear :  “Christ will restore back to you everything you lost as a result of sin’s power in your life. With God, there are no boundaries, just possibilities: ‘He’s under the shadow of the Almighty! We have to rescue him!’ ‘In Him we live and move and have our being.’ Tell the enemy that the Lord is the author and the finisher of your faith.”
  • Your Fight Of Faith :  “Walking in faith is a win-win situation! It’s never too late for faith. Faith has never lost a battle.”
  • Fight For Your Family :  “Obey the Word of God, show mercy, and strive to live in peace. The blood of Jesus cleanses and protects your home.”
  • The Fear Of Not Having Enough :  “God is Master in times of disaster. ‘I have been young and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread’ (Ps. 37:25) God knows how to move you from financial lack to abundance.”
  • Fighting The Fear Of Failure :  “Fear of failure makes you hide from opportunity. God can fix anything as long as you confront the situation in his powerful name. A fear fighter takes risks against all odds.”
  • Overcoming The Fear Of People :  “Receiving the love of Jesus is the first step to overcoming fear of rejection. To God, you count. You are somebody. The Lord will never leave you alone or forsake you. God only thinks good things about me and plans good things for me.”
  • No Fear Of Eternity :  “There is no escape from the reality of hell. If you repent, God will think your sins out of existence. If you win the battle today, you will be promoted tomorrow. Choosing to become a fear fighter guarantees that you will be an overcomer in His kingdom.”


    Critique:  Pastor Jentezen Franklin shouldn't be telling people what they MUST NOT DO (with his negative focus emphasized throughout the pamphlet) to vanquish fear and defeat panic attacks with biblical fairy-tales, but what people SHOULD BE DOING (with my positive focus emphasized instead) to be fearless fear fighters without needing to fear GOD as a prerequisite.

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