Internet Chess Club

Monday, March 17, 2014

Houston (10)

Thursday, 26 June 2003. How I could not make myself count on the worst-case scenario playing out until it finally played itself out last Monday seems incomprehensible to me: I lost my 1996 Mitsubishi Mirage. Looks like I am being forced to start from scratch [square one] once again.


No, I didn’t total the car – I didn’t have to make bail to get myself out of jail – but I probably would have felt better if I had because, adding monetary insult to seized engine injury (i.e. sabotage), I lost $400.00 in paying a wrecker for towing services from Refugio to Houston. “Orwell!


“Life goes on.” Finding safe storage in town should be the first thing I do so that I won’t have to constantly keep track of my belongings. After all, this is the endgame. After Houston, there will be only one secure place outside of a maximum security prison to go: The Sea.

I am looking at [exile] from this day forward.

Well, anyway, since I no longer have a car to worry about, at least I won’t have to worry about parking fines, speeding tickets or insurance. I can move closer to downtown, catch the bus, or ride a bicycle, like normal urban folk do here.

human cockroach (2)

“Room or furnished apartment?” Being the human moral equivalent of a cockroach, I should skip this step and go straight to the homeless shelter. Nevertheless, I think I might forego the desperation route and give myself another month to find decent housing. I have survived on much less.

Black & Broke

What a terrible and nonproductive week I’m having. I feel horrible. Sometimes I feel worse than a zero – I can sense how the police must be smelling blood by now in the way they’re witnessing me being rolled like a flat tire – and from all appearances I must look like a ticked-off psychotic time bum waiting to explode. This isn’t the case, however. I know I have plenty of resources to fall back upon in the event I go completely broke. If I can move downtown, then I won’t have to worry about transportation or starvation.

In the worst case, there’s always the homeless shelter.

Tomorrow I will call around to find out if there are rooms available downtown. If so, then I can go and put my other things into storage because I won’t be needing them any time soon. If everything works out as hoped, I will get a bus pass, apply for unemployment and food stamp benefits, and then start looking for work sometime after July 1st.

Black & Broke (2)

Furthermore, I now have everything I need to pursue this boatbuilding enterprise in earnest: The plans, patterns, documents and books are in my possession. All I need to do now is choose a business name for my fledging company like “The Clandestine Boat Works, LLC.”

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